Food Zine
I’m a cook and a food stylist, I used to be an architect and a graphic designer and before that I thought I’d be a photographer.
In this project my identity is irrelevant.
Magazines always interested me. As a teenager I imagined myself creating one.
And now I find myself making my dream come true: talking about what I love the most: food.
Paper, print, pictures, drawings, lyrics, articles. It’s such an amazing medium. It has smell and texture, the ink is convex. Magazines are somehow more real than web pages. They don’t require scrolling, instead more of a tangible interaction with our muscles to hold and turn the pages.
I can’t wait to physically touch this edition of food zine, as you’re read- ing these words now. Please read it with mindful touch, imagine the smell and taste of the food. Just enjoy it.
Magdalena Komar